Sweets Bolster Rotation, Sign Three Right-Handed Pitchers
The Sweets announced the signing of three players Friday, as [...]
The Sweets announced the signing of three players Friday, as [...]
The Walla Walla Sweets continue to shore up their lineup [...]
Infielder Justin Folz and left-handed pitcher Brayde Hirai will be [...]
WALLA WALLA, Wash. – Two-time Major League All-Star Jeff Cirillo [...]
Walla Walla, WA - The Sweets will begin their [...]
Le Boida and Folz to bring pop from the left side of the plate this summer
Tristan King and Chazz Martinez look to make their mark on Sweets baseball this summer.
Son of former Major Leaguer sets off to make his own mark on the West Coast League this summer as a member of the Walla Walla Sweets.
Father-Son Price duo to make their way to Walla Walla this summer.
Ben Fariss is slated to return his power bat and arm to the Sweets in 2019 along side of newcomer Danny Cervantes from Central Arizona.